Ferrante and What It Means to Speak

Ferrante and What It Means to Speak

Throughout the course of 2015, I made my way through the entire Neapolitan series, by Elena Ferrante. It was fairly life-changing, which is not a descriptor I deploy lightly. The novels, which cover the entire lifespan of two women from Naples, were the subject of 

Screeching and Rolling

Screeching and Rolling

This holiday has been a nice little break from work. I’ve gotten a lot of stuff done that’s been piling up, and I also got around to doing a few fun things I haven’t felt I’ve had the time or energy for, but I feel 

Moving On; Kerouac, Woody Allen and Misogynistic Legacies

Moving On; Kerouac, Woody Allen and Misogynistic Legacies

So, I put in my notice at work two weeks ago. That’s something that’s been kind of hanging over me for the past few months, and I feel like life can move forward a bit now that it’s out in the open. The thing is, 

If I Had to Bet the Farm

If I Had to Bet the Farm

I’ve been trying to process my trip home and some of the things that have gone on in the meantime. I flew in to San Antonio the night before my friends’ wedding and was pleasantly surprised to find out a whole group of other people 

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound

I have a line from a Neruda poem tattooed on my arm, under a line drawing of a ship. It’s the first line of this, the final portion of “Nocturnal Collection”: Love, it grows late, and the shorelines are lost. A day like a tatter