Tomato Garlic Scapes Tart and Summer on the Farm

Tomato Garlic Scapes Tart and Summer on the Farm

  When I was 21, the poet I was working for at the time graciously arranged for me to spend a portion of the summer at a writer’s residency on a small organic farm in Wisconsin. It was late June, the heat of summer, and 

Mugwort Magic and Korean Twisted Donuts

Mugwort Magic and Korean Twisted Donuts

Mugwort is a magical plant. The Romans used to stick it in their shoes to protect them from exhaustion on long journeys by foot, and in medieval Europe, it was used to ward off evil spirits — in Germany, it is sometimes called St. John’s 

Dutch Baby Pancakes With Cherry Compote

Dutch Baby Pancakes With Cherry Compote

There’s nothing that makes me want to drop everything and hightail it to the country like summer. It’s not quite here yet, but it’s on its way, and the evidence is showing up everywhere at the markets. Summer is a crazy time on a farm. 

Black Sesame and Raspberry Chocolate Cake

Black Sesame and Raspberry Chocolate Cake

Sometime a few weeks back, I got it into my head to make a dessert with black sesame seeds. I don’t know why, but I can tell you this cake won’t be the last of it. Black sesame seeds are nearly as aromatic and rich 

How to Make Butter and Buttermilk

How to Make Butter and Buttermilk

There’s another reason my blogging has been a little slow lately. There were a few different recipes I wanted to do, but I knew that some ingredients would be hard to find for people on one or the other side of the world. So before